Analysis of a Rite of Crisis in Numbers 5:11-31 through a World View Theoretical Model
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Published: 27 February 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
In Numbers 5:11-31 a rite of crisis is described for the resolution of a marital impasse. A husband may accuse his wife of a breach in their relationship due to her unsubstantiated marital infidelity. Using a world view theoretical model, this paper analyzes the ritual by addressing research questions associated with the seven universal categories of world view. The first category considered, Causality, explores the issue of cultural order by asking: What is the type and nature of this ritual behavior? Discussion centers around whether the rite creates a new order, reinforces an existing order, or ensures order is restored.
The category of Classification researches the issue of symbolic order. What symbolic expressions of belief animate this ritual behavior? The investigation determines whether symbolic ritual forms and meanings are identical or separate realities and the extent symbols provide community identity and represent important values. The third world view category of Relationship is concerned with the issue of cosmic moral order, answering: What notions of ritual behavior are toward relations with the divine?
The fourth world view category, other, considers the issue of social order. The research question here explores the nature of the ritual as a social instrument by identifying socially prescribed ritual speech, ritual roles, and ritual statuses. The issue of personal order in the Self category ponders the nature of self-motivation toward ritual behavior in the rite of crisis. Of most concern are the definitions and expressions of personal identity, self-purpose, and hopeful outcome. Finally, the world view categories of Time and Space are combined to investigate the issue of enacting order. What are the notions of ritual enactment that reinforce, control, and transform reality? The analysis concludes with the type of resolution resulting from the ritual and the degree to which the ritual is successful.
Keywords: world view, rite of crisis, marriage, Old Testament.

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How to Cite
Shelley Ashdown. (2019-02-27). "Analysis of a Rite of Crisis in Numbers 5:11-31 through a World View Theoretical Model." *Volume 1*, 1, 26-32